Aqui Promenade – March Construction Update
Construction continues at a great pace with both Promenade and Aqui towers achieving key construction milestones including the completion of the indoor substation to provide permanent power and commencement of apartment fit out works to levels 5 to 8. The podium now has 95% of the façade installed with façade to the towers due to commence shortly.
On site works continue to progress with the tower structures now at level 14 for Promenade and level 19 for Aqui. Precast panels and columns are being installed progressively and are meeting the programme.
The building cores continue to grow in height, Promenade core is now at level 18 and Aqui core is at level 20.
Anticipated construction completion is late 2016. In the meantime, we look forward to keeping you informed as the buildings continue to take shape.